How To Recycle Soft Plastics
Like everyone else you've probably got a cupboard or a drawer full of plastic bags, because in Australia soft plastics can’t be recycled through most kerbside recycling services. Seriously right ? So, what do we do with them? They can't be thrown in the bin because they'll end up in landfill and take years to break down. Stopping soft plastics from entering landfill is one of the simplest ways to do your bit for the environment. How many soft plastic bags do you really need ? Here's a simple guide on how to r ecycle those soft plastics you don't need. What are soft plastics? It’s really important to be able to identify soft plastics. These items are generally the plastic bags and packaging that we get from stores. From bread bags to bubble wrap, there are many forms of soft plastic so here is a list of some common ones you'll find in your home or workspace: Cereal box liners Snap lock bags / zip lock bags Cling film Dry pet food bags Fresh produce and froze...